“Exer-pedia was created by me, a Sports Physical Therapist from Vancouver, BC, Canada. I originally created this resource with my patients in mind, but I decided to take advantage of the best aspect of the internet: the sharing of information.”
– Harminder (Harry) Toor
Regarding the Performance of Exercise:
Although the benefit of activity and exercise on our health is immense and very well supported by evidence, all exercises come with inherent risks (please see the disclaimer below). To be safe, exercises must be chosen that are within the capability levels of the individual. The same exercises that are great for some people may be dangerous for others, depending on their pre-existing health conditions, injuries, limitations in movement, or level of strength. Furthermore, performing an exercise properly is vital to preventing injury. These exercises are provided as a resource, with some basic points to help, but the guidance of a trained physical therapist, strength & conditioning specialist, coach, personal trainer, or other health care professional may be helpful.
Regarding the Classification of Exercise:
Many exercises can be classified under multiple headings, as they address mobility, strength, proprioception, dissociation, etc…. In some cases, I have classified the same exercises under two different headings, as they are good examples of each. As with any classification system, more accuracy yields more sub-categories. However, more subcategories decrease the ease of navigation and potentially increases the difficulty of finding an exercise. For these reasons, we have settled on five main categories.
All drawings done by Harminder Toor. Photos and Videos modelled by Harminder Toor, Davin McKenzie, and Rebecca Lee.
The exercises provided on this website are for educational purposes only, and are not to be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan, or course of action. This, or any other exercise program, has inherent risks, including but not limited to: risk of injury, aggravation of a pre-existing condition, or adverse effect of over-exertion such as muscle strain, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorders of heartbeat, and very rare instances of heart attack.