Showing 1–20 of 23 results
(VIDEO) ▶️ Deep abdominal recruitment with hip abduction with band: crook lying
(VIDEO) ▶️ Deep layer abdominal recruitment
(VIDEO) ▶️ Deep layer abdominal recruitment: bent knee fall outs
(VIDEO) ▶️ Deep layer abdominal recruitment: bent knee leg lifts
(VIDEO) ▶️ Deep layer abdominal recruitment: straight leg lifts
(VIDEO) ▶️ High plank
(VIDEO) ▶️ High plank to low plank
(VIDEO) ▶️ High plank with hip and knee flexion
(VIDEO) ▶️ High plank with hip extension
(VIDEO) ▶️ Low plank
(VIDEO) ▶️ Scapulothoracic push-ups
(VIDEO) ▶️ Side plank
(VIDEO) ▶️ Side plank with side leg raise
Bench Press
Low plank with hip extension
Push-up: decline position
Shoulder taps from plank